How can insurance help you plan for your future?
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The future is unpredictable. Nothing in the future is in your hands. There re two ways you can approach the future in the present. One, by staying unprepared, and two, by staying prepared. When you have the opportunity, you might as well stay prepared for the unforeseen future. A Yo may not be able to stay protected 100% , but having some protection will definitely help you. Here, we give you 3 ways in which you can stay protected and ready for the future:
- A term plan
With a term plan you can keep your family protected against your untimely demise. A term plan will give your family a fixed sum of money in the event of your untimely demise in the future. SO, for instance, if you buy a tern plan of Rs., 50 lacs as the Sum Assured, your family will get the said amount if you pass away any time during the policy period.
- A critical illness plan
A critical illness plan like Edelweiss Life CritiCare+ protects you against the financial repercussions of a critical illness. So, for instance , if at anytime during the policy period, you suffer from a pre-listed critical illness, you will receive the amount of the Sum Assured. This amount is not dependent on you undergoing any particular period of hospitalisation and is available to you on the mere diagnosis of the ailment. You can use this money in any which way you deem fit. You can use it to pay your children’s school fees or your home loan EMI’s or take care of the out-of-pocket expenses like physiotherapy etc required for your recovery.
- An endowment plan
An endowment plan like Edelweiss Life Wealth Builder gives you the financial strength in the future to fulfil your dreams and aspirations. So, for instance if you want to give your children a foreign education 10-15 years from now, you need funds for the same. Investing small amounts in endowment plans will help you to accumulate a large enough amount when you’d be requiring the same in the future. Endowment plans guarantee you a fixed sum at maturity and this amount is known to you upfront when you buy the policy.
These are some of the plans that would help you to secure your and your family’s future. Remember, well-prepared is well-armed!
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Your Safety Net When You Are Down With A Critical Illness?
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