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Accident Death Benefit Rider With Life Cover

  6/14/17 4:51 AM

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Making the most of each day and living your life to the fullest is important, but at the same time you have to plan for your future too. Living in the present is imperative and so is planning for a financially secure tomorrow. This is why life insurance is crucial to each and every individual no matter their financial status.

Everyone has people who are financially dependent on them in one way or another. Life insurance isn’t just making sure that your family has money in your absence; it is about providing them security even when you aren’t around them any longer.

Accidents happen and they happen a lot more frequently than you would like to believe. Every year, more than 1.46 lakhs lose their lives in such accidents, leaving behind a trail of tears and devastation. In case of such a tragedy, your family would be forced to cope with your absence while trying to make ends meet.

Adding an Accidental Benefit Rider to your base insurance policy enables you to get the maximum advantage from your insurance policy. The accidental benefit rider ensures that your beneficiaries get additional life cover in case of your demise due to a freak accident. An accidental total and permanent disability rider provides security against disability due to an accident. If this rider is attached to the policy, the policyholder receives the sum assured incase he meets with an accident that causes total and permanent disability.

Purchasing life insurance tomorrow or at a later date is not a topic that will be ever up for debate no individual is invincible nor can he predict his future. Accidents don’t come along with a warning letter; they just happen, and if you don’t prepare for that possibility today, then there is a high probability that you might be a little late in financially securing your family’s future.

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