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Secure Your Future With The Right Online Term Plan

  10/1/16 9:50 AM

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If you are thinking of buying a term plan, it’s a good step to take in the right direction.

After all, securing the future of your family members when you wouldn’t be around to provide them financial support is a sensible and caring move on your part. In the event of your untimely demise, your family would get a fixed amount with which they can lead their lives with their heads held high. It can help them pay off the home loan EMI’s, and ensure that other life stage milestones like child’s higher education or marriage expenses are well provided for.But do you think only opting for a basic term plan is comprehensive enough?


Yes. There are comprehensive term plans in the market. How are they different from most term plans?

For starters, such a comprehensive plan will offer life cover at a very competitive price.

Additionally, such plans also have an accelerated critical illness feature which gives you financial protection from critical illnesses.

Like Edelweiss Life Total Secure+, which will provide you with a lumpsum payout on the occurrence of any of the pre-listed 35 critical illnesses. This means that if you are diagnosed with any of the pre-listed critical illnesses, you get a fixed lumpsum payout and the policy continues as a term plan with the Base Sum Assured reduced by the amount of critical illness Sum Assured claim amount that is paid. The great part in this is that you don’t need to take a separate plan for covering off such a medical emergency arising out of being diagnosed with a critical illness. The cover that you get, should such an eventuality arise, will be a part of the overall life cover that you would have chosen for yourself.

As you may have seen, this helps redefine the very definition of comprehensive protection. A plan like Edelweiss Life Total Secure+ not only helps you protect your family in the event of your unfortunate demise, but at the same time, also helps you tide over those very difficult situations where you may be diagnosed with one of the listed critical illnesses that this plan covers against.

A cover taken for such an event as part of the overall policy would provide you with the much needed financial support that you need owing to the high medical costs associated with the treatment for such illnesses. Additionally, this lump sum amount that you receive will also help provide the financial relief that you need when you are recuperating but yet are not fully ready to return to your full time job.

So, in effect, it provides YOU as well as YOUR family with a very comprehensive financial protection plan.

Feature-Rich Plan

Edelweiss Life Total Secure+ has more features than your usual term plan. It has three options in the payout mode for the death benefit ;

  1. Lumpsum, where the entire payout is paid at one go
  2. Regular income, where your family receives the Sum Assured as monthly payouts. Here also, you have the option of level income, where the income remains the same throughout and increasing income, where it increases every month by 5%.
  3. Combination, where some part as chosen by you is receivable as lumpsum and the other as monthly income. You also have the option of opting for a lesser premium with the number of illnesses reduced to 7. Since the difference is not much in terms of premium, it would be more prudent to pay a higher premium and be covered for 35 critical illnesses.

So now is the time to add a + in your life!

Ab Life Ko Milega + with Edelweiss Life Total Secure+!

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