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Whats Your Mothers Day Gift

  5/12/17 5:00 AM

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Who is a mother? It is a pertinent question whose answer cannot be contained within words. Mothers comprise of a bunch of emotions that sometimes defy reason. So, this one is for all mothers who were up all night with sick toddlers in their arms, constantly singing those loving lullabies.

This one is also for the strong women our mothers are, the pillar of the house around whom the whole family revolves. She is the wife who takes care of her husband and his family without a break. She is the woman who is the backbone of the family in every form. She is the first teacher, first doctor and first goddess of us all.

This blessing from heaven is everywhere, in different forms or conditions, young or aged mothers, working mothers and homemakers, married mothers or the single mothers, those with resources and those without. But without them, life would have been insufferable.

Emotionally, we all know the value of mothers in our life, but do we know the financial responsibility we have towards them. Give it a thought: what would become of them in your absence? While they strive to be the shield of protection for their loved ones, who shall protect them in your absence?

Although everything she’s done through the years, all love she gave came without any expectations, it is upon us to be the responsible child and take care of them once we stand on our feet. But the tables soon turn. The same woman who was your support through life may now need your support. It is easier to give care and support to the family when you are physically present but what about the time when you are not there? What will they do without you? Who will support them financially in such an event?

On this mother’s day, we salute the mothers for the sacrifices they make for us and in return, we ask you to gift them a promise: that you will be there for them, irrespective of the circumstances. Give them a surety of you taking care of them for the rest of the life and beyond it with a life insurance plan. Click here to know more.

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