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Know 5 funds designed for our ULIP investors

  8/30/18 10:17 AM

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Investing in ULIPs is not just a onetime activity. You have to remain aware of your fund’s performance. If you think the fund you have selected is underperforming, you have an option to select a fund of your choice. You can exercise this option as and when you want. This way you can increase your return. This way you can manage your risk appetite.

Edelweiss ULIPs offer options to investors to switch to the fund of their choice anytime during the tenure at no cost. You can switch as many times as you wish. We design our funds to cater to the unique retirements of our investors.

Our ULIP investors can select from the following five funds:

1. Equity Large Cap Fund:

This fund is targeted to give a higher return in the long-term by investing up to 60% to 100% money in the equity shares. Remaining fund is invested in the money market or debt market instruments.

This fund is good for high-risk appetite investors. As a high-risk fund, this fund is also expected to give higher returns.

This fund invests in large-cap companies which are usually more stable than the mid-cap and the small-cap companies. As a result, this fund is less risky than other equity-linked funds.

Since its inception (2011) this fund has given 166% return.

2. Equity Top 250 Fund:

This is another fund targeted to give a higher return by investing mainly in equity shares. This fund also invests 60% to 100% money in the equity shares of top 250 companies.

This fund is good for high-risk appetite investors.

Since its inception (2011) this fund has given 154% return.

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3. Equity Mid Cap Fund:

This is also a fund targeted to give a higher return by investing mainly in equity shares. This fund invests 80% to 100% money in the equity shares of the mid-cap companies.

This fund is good for high-risk appetite investors.

Since its inception (2017) this fund has given 14% return.

4. Managed Fund:

This is a balanced fund. This is less risky than the pure equity-linked funds. This fund invests up to 40% in equity shares. Up to 60% to 100% of the funds can be invested in the money market instruments and in the bonds.

The company uses the expert opinion of the in-house fund managers to decide asset allocation and select the shares to invest in.

This fund is apt for investors with less risk appetite.

Since its inception (2011) this fund has given 109% return.

Handpicked related post: Why is Edelweiss Life ULIP unique?

5. Bond Fund:

This is for low-risk appetite investors. Here the money is invested in the bond market and fixed income instruments. No exposure to equity market makes this fund the safest fund of all.

Since its inception (2011) this fund has given 81% return.

These are the five funds Edelweiss Tokyo ULIP investors can select from. These five funds are designed to take care of risk appetite and diversification need of investors.

Past performance of any funds is not an indication of the future performance. All funds are subject to market volatility, local, and global economic conditions.

However, the risk profile of the funds remains the same. The bond fund will continue to remain less risky than equity-linked funds.

The purpose of introducing these funds to you is to enable you to make informed decisions. You need to be aware of these fund options as and when you decide to invest and as and when you decide to switch.

You may also like to read: What should be the first investment from your first salary?


Aastha Mestry - Portfolio Manager          

An Author and a Full-Time Portfolio Manager, Aastha has 6 years of experience working in the Insurance Industry with businesses globally. With a profound interest in traveling, Aastha also loves to blog in her free time.

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