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Need for a comprehensive insurance plan

  9/28/16 5:59 AM

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Are you searching for a term plan? If yes, would you prefer a plan that is a pure term plan or one that gives you a little extra than a simple term plan. Let us examine the need for a comprehensive term plan over a pure term plan.

Death after a long illness

As in the above example, when you are fighting with an illness for a long time, you need funds to take care of routine payments like utility bills, children’s fees etc. Even after having the funds and the right treatment, you may meet with an unfortunate demise. In such a case, your family also needs financial security. A comprehensive plan like Edelweiss Life Total Secure + covers both the scenarios.

Financial protection for transplants

In case you require an organ transplant, the costs of the same can be humongous with out-of-pocket costs like your own transportation or that of the donor. If the organ is being donated posthumously, the transplant has to be done immediately. In such cases, you may needs funds to get admitted to a hospital of your choice or where the organ location is. Even if you are covered by a mediclaim, you may not be able to avail of cashless facility for the same. This plan allows you to avail of a lumpsum amount on occurrence of a critical illness.

Taking care of your parents and kids

If you are the breadwinner of your family and have the responsibility of tending to your aged parents and young kids, both of whom are unable to add to the income of the family, an unfortunate event can burden your spouse immensely. This event can be in the form of a critical illness or your unfortunate demise, both of which are covered by this plan.

So if you are hunting for a term plan, go for a comprehensive protection plan rather than a pure term plan. Generate a quote today for a comprehensive and complete plan like Edelweiss Life Total Secure +. It protects yourself and your family members from the financial burden of a critical illness and your untimely demise respectively.

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