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5 Risks You Should Take in Your Life for Better Living

  10/22/18 6:18 AM

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  10/22/18 6:18 AM   |

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Do you worry risk-taking in life? If your answer is Yes, this post will change your perception about the risk.

Not all risks in life are risky. Sometimes not taking risks could also be a risky decision. In life some risks are worth managing but some risks are worth taking to live a meaningful life.

“The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” Mark Zuckerberg

Insurance companies are helping you in managing the financial aspects of some critical risks.


Here we present some risks which do not require insurance but it requires courage to pursue these risk.

Here is a list of some of the risks you should be talking in life in order to live your life without regret.

  1. Pursue Your Dream

    Yes, it could be risky. Many things can go wrong. Your career, your money, your family everything can be at a risk. & yet successful people recommend this risk is worth taking.

    ‘I should have’ are the most regretful words in life.

    Many people just do not take this risk in life. What could be more wasted opportunity than this? You only live once. Pursuing dreams should be the topmost goals in your life. Yet the irony is you do not pursue dreams assuming it as a risky decision.

    Fear comes with the thought of the risk of failing. This fear is so powerful that you risk living a life which you don’t like.

    “The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” Oprah Winfrey

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  2. Career Risk

    Many people dislike their jobs. This is perhaps a widespread feeling. But, they fear changing their jobs. They fear not getting a suitable job. They fear not getting a job immediately. They think there is no choice but to live life with an unpleasant job.

    All these fears are because of the risk. The risk of uncertainty makes them fearful.

    The reality is successful people do take a career risk. Change their jobs. They change career by leaving a job and pursuing entrepreneurship.

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  3. Expressing Feelings

    It is about expressing your love to someone you love. But it is also about expressing your apology to someone who is hurt because of your words or actions. It is also about expressing your views which you avoid due to the fear. This is also about making peace with people you do not get along with.

    It is also about expressing everything you wish to express but you do not do for the sake of risk of the unpleasant outcomes.

    “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” Bruce Lee

    Be yourself, express your feelings. These are not risks, these are your feel-good factors. Not expressing your feelings is a huge risk. You may miss the opportunities of love, friendship, and compassion. If you do not take these risks, what will remain is only repentance.

  4. Risk of Failing

    Risk of failing paralyzes your action. However, the reality is failing is the way to success. Failing more teaches you more. These lessons are the foundation of your success.

    Failing is a social taboo more than a personal setback. This makes you play safe. Playing safe is good but playing safe stagnates life. Playing safe stops you from achieving your full potential.

    “If you’re not failing every now and again, it’s a sign you’re not doing anything very innovative.” Woody Allen

    Take a risk, fail, learn and again take a risk. This is the cycle of success.

    Handpicked related post:  Retire Early, Pursue Your Dream, Plan Today.

  5. Risk of New Experiences

    Moving out of your comfort zone is necessary to move ahead in life. Take a risk and do the things you fear. This could be risky at the first thought. But anything new initially looks risky.

    Think of the many things you have learned and done in life were appearing risky when you tried for the first time. Now it’s in your comfort zone.

    Similarly, by experiencing new things and taking a calculated risk, you can expand your comfort zone.

    Your courage zone expands your comfort zone. Your courage is your willingness to take a risk.

    Go to new places, learn new things, aspire to achieve new things and enjoy the process. Even if you fail in some of the risks, there will not be any repentance of not trying.

“Never was anything great achieved without danger.” Niccolo Machiavelli

Life is about risk. Every day is a risk. But to live a life of your dream, every risk which takes you near your dream life are worth taking.

Edelweiss Life Insurance is in the risk management business. We offer various life insurance products to manage various risks you may face in life.

Your retirement income, your children’s education, your wealth building aspirations, the risk of death of the earning members of the family, and multiple life stage risk management plan known as Zindagi Plus. There are a few more risk management plans.

We manage these risks for you so that you can take other risks worth taking in your life to live a meaningful life.

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