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How to make your job interesting?

  8/29/18 7:19 AM

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  8/29/18 7:19 AM   |

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Do you like your work? If the answer is YES, you are the lucky one. The data suggest only 15% of the employees are engaged in their work as per the Gallup survey. About 85% of employees are un-engaged is an alarming situation. This is an epidemic.

It is the employers’ responsibility to make their work and workplaces interesting. Unengaged employees can’t work passionately. Employees are the first brand ambassadors of any company. If they are not enjoying their jobs it is a serious situation for the company to attend on a priority.

By the time employers do something about this issue, employees can’t sit and remain unengaged. It affects their career.

The good news is they can take initiatives to make their working interesting. There are some scenarios discussed below which will help the readers to take some action:

  • If your boss is your concern:

There are ways to deal with the situation.

  • Show him better job opportunities
  • Learn people skill
  • Understand WHY of his behaviour and align
  • Ask for a different job profile

Do something.

Many of you do not like an un-appreciating boss. Don’t make your boss or other external things a matter of your motivation. You will always remain unsatisfied. Have your internal motivation in place about your work.

Remember a shloka from Bhagwad Gita: “Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam” which means Yoga is excellence at work.

Be happy with the quality of the work you do. Give up the need for any external motivation. This approach will also make you happy in the workplace.

  • If you don’t like what you do:

This is a serious issue.

First, know what you like, learn what you like to upgrade your skills.

Many time problems are due to the education we undertake. At the age when we are asked to select our courses, we are not able to decide what we like. Decisions are mostly taken under pressure. Either peer pressure or parents pressure.

After a few years of work experience, we know what we like and what we don’t.

Therefore course correction is necessary. Don’t remain committed to the mistake you made at the tender age.

Handpicked related post: 8 ways pursuing a hobby can transform your life

  • If the company culture is not suitable with your sensibility:

Every company has a different culture. It is not necessary that the culture of the company and the culture of an employee match.

If you are in such a situation, you have a very limited option. Either become a change agent or leave the company. Don’t ever compromise your culture for the company culture.

  • Be proactive in what you do:

Take up more challenges and more responsibilities.

This is what legendary management gurus Tom Peters and Seth Godin recommend. Do the work which others don’t do. This is the way to grow and learn new things.

This is the way be become a leader. This is also the way to get promoted. Management wants people who can take initiatives. This way your boringness can prove to be career boosting.

  • Do more than what you are asked to do:

This is another way to work. This is about how to give more than what you are paid for. Usually, people complain about inadequate salary, but the time is to think about inadequate work you do vis a vis the salary you are paid.

Give more than what you are paid for. This way you also enhance your value.

  • Learn more about the work you do:

Learning is a daily act. We become stagnant in life when stop learning and starts complaining.

Learn new things about the work you do. Learn new things about the work you want to do.

  • If your work life balance is impacted:

This is applicable to everyone.

Yet, ask for work from home option a few days a week. Negotiate for six or five days of working week.

If possible ask for a salary cut to bargain a few hours of personal family time. The job is important but the family time is equally important, if not more.

  • Enhance your emotional quotient:

This is going to help you in all walks of life.

First, understand your emotional status. Then read the masterpiece books: The Emotional Intelligence and Working with emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman.

This will help you live a more fulfilling life. The change in mindset will also help you in your approach to the job.

“Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home… it’s your responsibility to love it, or change it.” Chuck Palahniuk

We at Edelweiss Life Insurance are committed to our vision of helping people in fulfilling their dreams and mitigate hindrances.

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