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Why Zindagi plus is a way to peace of mind

  7/14/23 5:32 AM

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  7/14/23 5:32 AM   |

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You work hard to fulfil the dreams of your loved ones and their security. In case you are not around, or suffer from a critical illness or disability, your family will not only be impacted emotionally but also financially. This is where term insurance comes in.

Term insurance gives you peace of mind knowing that your loved ones will be financially secure even in your absence. They will have the much needed financial security to not only meet their day-to-day needs but also to fulfil their dreams.

The main aim of your life is to see your loved ones happy and secure at all times. Life is unpredictable and to protect your loved ones Edelweiss Life offers a term plan; Zindagi Plus, that makes you capable of giving a better life to your loved ones after your demise. This plan helps to secure your absence by making your presence felt around your loved ones. You can choose a life cover as per your needs. The policyholder also has an option to ‘Pay till 60 years of age‘. Under this, he won’t have to pay after 60 years of age. The advantage is that if your income earning capacity stops after 60 years (salaried employees), then you won’t have the burden of paying premiums

The USP of Zindagi Plus is the ‘Better Half Benefit’. Under which, after the death of the policyholder, a life cover will start in his/her spouse’s name which will be 50% of the life cover of the policyholder, up to Rs 1 crore. The spouse won’t have to pay any premium and the nominee will also get the sum assured. A very important feature of this benefit is that it also covers housewives too. The policy will continue till the end of the actual policy term.

There is also the Top-up Benefit which overcomes the problem of buying new policies again and again. Next, if you opt for Accidental Total and Permanent Disability, you’ll get the amount you have selected in case an accident causes permanent disability. This will take care of all your expenses and the policy continues as usual.

When you have the right life insurance, you can have peace of mind that your wife and children are protected. An ideal term plan can help cover your final expenses and also provide funds to help your family continue the lifestyle they are used to, even if you’re not around.


Siddhant Dubey - Writer & Photographer

Siddhant works as a freelance content writer who is interested in a wide range of spheres from photography and personal finance to cooking. He is also an aspiring photographer striving to showcase life around him through his vision.

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