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Get To Know How A Comprehensive Term Plan Can Help You And Your Family To Get Going When The Going Gets Tough?

  11/12/16 10:52 AM

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Getting struck by a critical illness like cancer or a cardiac arrest needing a procedure like chemotherapy or a cardiac surgery can lead to tough times for you. Not only are you hit physically and emotionally, but also financially. If you are covered with a medi claim policy, it can provide you funds for paying off the hospitalization expenses. However, this might not suffice, as there are other expenses also that need to be taken care of. For your family, there can be nothing more devastating than your untimely demise. Along with that, what can burden them further is having to contend with the financial liabilities like paying off loan EMI’s, children’s school fees etc.

A comprehensive term plan

A comprehensive term plan like Edelweiss Life Total Secure + gives you and your family the kind of financial reassurance that would enable you to tide over tough times. This plan not only gives you a death benefit, but also a critical illness cover against up to 35 critical illnesses. For instance, let’s assume you take a policy of Rs.60 lakhs with a critical illness cover of Rs.10 lakhs. If you fall critically ill subsequently; meaning you are diagnosed with any of the 35 critical illnesses mentioned in the policy document, you would be paid a lump sum of Rs.10 lakhs and the policy would continue with Rs.50 lakhs as the Base Sum Assured. If however, you pass away during the policy term without having had to claim for the critical illness Sum Assured, your family would be paid the Sum Assured of Rs.60 lakhs. This amount can be received by you either as a lump sum, as regular monthly income or as a combination of the same. This pay out option can be decided by you ate the time of taking the policy. Even with regular monthly income, you can choose between equal/level instalments or increasing monthly instalments.

Generate a quote today to find out how much it costs for you to reassure yourself and your family that they would be having the support to bounce back from tough times.

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